In 2020, the authorities made it mandatory for all domestic AC units to keep their default temperature settings at 24 degrees. This was done to conserve energy and also reduce some of the harmful effects of an aircon on health and the environment. After this, there has been much speculation as to what is the accurate or most suitable temperature settings for your AC especially during summers.
But it is also indisputable fact that the accurate temperature is not a fixed temperature and will vary according to multiple factors such as the climate condition, humidity etc., in the environment. Today in this article we will arm you with all the information you need to decide the most suitable temperature setting for your household.
The Best Temperature Settings When You’re at Home:
In India, the temperature can reach up to…-an-ac-in-summer/ 50 degrees in some parts during the peak summers. This is the reason why some people keep the temperature at the lowest setting of 18 or 16 degrees. However, this can be very harmful to your health and the environment as well. At the lowest temperature setting the AC emits more CFCs into the environment making it highly toxic for the environment.
It can also cause health issues such as dryness and burning sensation in the eyes, nose and throat. This is due to the lack of humidity in the air. The dry and cool air can also cause congestion and breathing allergies. Therefore, it is better to keep the AC at the default temperature of 24 or 26 degrees. This temperature will keep you cooler but will not make the atmosphere excessively dry and uncomfortable.
According to a study by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) assuming you use your AC for 10 hours every day, keeping your AC at 24 degrees instead of 18 degrees can save up to Rs.4000 per year. This study found that you can save 3 to 4 percent of the power for every degree increase.
At this temperature, you will also not get habituated to excessive cool temperatures and decrease your tolerance to warm environments.
The Best Temperature Settings When You’re Away:
Unless you live in extremely hot weather conditions, then it is better to keep the AC unit turned off while you are away. This will conserve energy. You should try to ventilate the room whenever you are away from home in order to allow fresh air to come into the room. This is very important as it will be beneficial for your health.
You can also use a programmable thermostat or a smart controller to switch on the AC 10-20 minutes before you come back home so that you can enjoy the instant cool environment when you come back.
Tips to Maximize Cooling Efforts in Your Home:
- One of the easiest ways to maximize cooling without lowering the temperature of the AC is to switch on the ceiling fan alongside the AC. This creates a mini wind chill effect where the AC cools down the room and the fan circulates the cool air around the room giving it a chilly feel.
- Another way is to keep the air filter in the AC clean, sometimes the AC is releasing cool air but due to the dirty filter the air cannot be released into the room properly which creates insufficient cooling and you need to lower the temperature further.
- You can also ensure proper insulation in the room. This will keep the cold air inside the room and will not allow the heat to leak into the room. This will keep the temperature inside the room low for a long time. You can use thick curtains, shades or blinds on windows and doors to do this.
Finding the Right Temperature for Your Family:
To be comfortable but also save electricity you need to keep the temperature at a point where you will comfortably cool. In order to do this, you need to gradually increase the temperature of the AC and then there will be a point where you will feel uncomfortably hot, now decrease the temperature 1 degree from this temperature and see if the temperature is comfortable. If yes, then this is the highest temperature at which you can be comfortable.
You can sit your entire family and do this experiment to see what is the highest temperature in which your family can be comfortable. In order to do this experiment, you need to be in a period where you are not feeling excessively cold or hot. A neutral state is needed to make an accurate prediction.
Consider the Humidity:
Humidity is an important factor to be considered while deciding the right temperature that you should set your AC in. If you live in a highly humid atmosphere then chances are that you would want to keep the temperature lower in order to get rid of the humidity inside the room. In this case, you can try switching on the fan along with the AC. What this does is, it will evaporate any sweat gathered on your skin due to humidity and give you an extra cool feeling.
However, if you live in an area with low humidity then you should definitely keep the temperature of your AC much higher so as not to dry the air in the room. If there is minimal moisture in the room then you will start seeing various health conditions such as a burning and itching sensation in the eyes, nose and throat, clogged nose and sneezing etc. It might also aggravate any allergies or dry skin conditions you might have.
Programmable Thermostat:
Programmable thermostat is also called a smart AC controller is a type of remote control for your AC that will allow you to control the AC via a mobile app. They have many adjustable features like turning your AC on and off depending on your location inside and outside the house. They also regulate your AC to work according to the weather conditions outside the house.
They use infrared technology and connect to the wi-fi system at home. This is important as your AC will work most efficiently and will not consume excessive power in order to keep your room cool when not required. You can also program the settings beforehand and the controller will regulate your AC according to your desire.
To summarize, the higher your temperature is, the more electricity you will save. You should also avoid extreme cooling inside the house, because during the summers when the weather outside is extremely hot and the weather inside is excessively cold. When you move between these two extreme weather conditions, you might experience health problems. Try to keep the temperature at 24 to 27 degrees to feel the comfortable cool weather and save electricity as well.